
Therapy For Depression

Life may seem to be “okay.”

You continue to work, go to school, fulfill your daily obligations as a parent and partner BUT you’re “off.”

You may feel more tired and less motivated to engage in activities you once really enjoyed.

Sleep patterns may have changed. You find it hard getting out of bed or maintaining good sleep quality.

You feel hopeless and empty.

The feelings of loneliness and isolation become all consuming.

These may be associated with depression.

I can help guide you through this potentially dark and lonely place; back to where you were a thriving and engaged individual.

I want to help you get to a place where life is full of positive meaning. Where you truly begin to enjoy those things around you

Make an appointment


  • 130 per 55-minute session for therapy
  • 140 for Initial Assessment


  • Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP)
  • Medicare Part B